Lost At Sea

Submission for the Global Game Jam 2021 

Theme: Lost & Found


A & D or left-clicking: Turn the ship/ set the desired heading. You can still turn when the sail's position is set to no sails, albeit slowly. 

W & S or the mouse scroll wheel: Set the desired sail amount (between full sails and no sails). Remember, you need to have crewmembers assigned to the sail station in order to change the sails.

Q & E or right-clicking relative to the ship: Fire Cannons on the port or starboard (left or right). Remember, you need to have crewmembers assigned to the cannon station in order to fire cannonballs.

This game was completed during the Global Game Jam 2021. This year's theme was "Lost and Found." We decided to implement this theme by creating Lost at Sea. Lost At Sea is a puzzle pirate adventure game. Your goal is to sail the ocean searching for islands that seem to appear and disappear on a whim! These elusive islands contain a lot of valuable loot! You can land on any island and dig for buried treasure. After disturbing the island enough, Poseidon reclaims his land. Watch Out! There are pirates that want to take your gold! Keep them at bay with your cannons!

This project does not fully incorporate all of our ideas and is roughly a 70% vertical slice of our full idea. Due to this, certain mechanics are not fully implemented and/ or not implemented the way we would want (just the way we needed to meet the deadline of the game jam). For example, the main island was supposed to be a central hub where you could turn in your gold and buy upgrades, more crew members, and food rations. This does not work in our prototype.

All in all, this was a super fun project that my partner and I learned a lot from. We may or may not continue working on it and any feedback would be loved. We are very much aware of most bugs/confusion but please mention it to us. Maybe you found something new.

Repo: Github Link

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